CrossFit Cocoa Beach
We are a CrossFit community that is very structured and supportive of a wide range of athletes, from elite CrossFitters to the beginner trying CrossFit for the first time.
You DO NOT have to be fit to do Crossfit. That is the number 1 misconception we hear on a daily basis. Crossfit is infinitely scalable, from children to the elderly and everyone in between. Prior injuries, surgeries, and general aches and pains are no problem, our trained coaches will work with you to overcome all of those and get you to your strongest self.
We are kid-friendly, we welcome and encourage kids to watch class from our child area, we love to see parents modeling their healthy lifestyle.

Victor Stanley
Victor's CrossFit journey started when he was in the Navy. As a Navy diver he trained future special operations candidates and prepared them for their schools. It was at this time that a Navy Seal candidate told him about CrossFit and stated he should incorporate it into his programming. He looked it up and has been hooked ever since.
After the Navy he joined a local CrossFit and got his first experience of what crossfit was really all about. It's the community that makes it work and separates it from any other form of fitness. Since his CrossFit journey began he has had an endless thirst for knowledge and has since completed his Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 certification, CrossFit rowing certification, power lifting certification, kid's class certification, and USAW sports performance coach. He also had his NASM personal trainer certification but has since let that expire as he started leaning more towards CrossFit. He looks to continue his education in the fitness industry and pass it along to all his present and future clients.

Annamaria has a strong history of athletics. She comes from a boxing family and has been raised in a gym for most of her life. She started as a child in gymnastics. This passion has never left her and really came out when she found CrossFit.
She now has leaned more towards the Olympic lifting aspect of CrossFit and has her USAW sports performance coach certification.
She firmly believes in the family atmosphere that the CrossFit box creates and stands by the results she has seen throughout her years in CrossFit. She has an extreme passion for it and continually seeks out education in order to be the best coach possible.
Annamaria Stanley

Scott Vigne
Scott is grateful to have grown up around lots of top athletes not only in the USA but also in France where he was born. Having a father who was an Olympic swimmer has shown him how effective the right training can be. Golf was his sport in college but he always enjoyed training, surfing, soccer, and many other physical activities.
For Scott, the gym felt boring and repetitive. After having tried CrossFit there was no turning back, no need to figure out his gym routine, it was all planned out for him in a convenient one hour class with a coach. What he was not counting on was the amazing community of people who like the same things as him.....FITNESS!
Since then, Scott has completed his Level 1 and Level 2 CrossFit Certifications, Aerobic Capacity Training, and The Gymnastics Course. He and his wife Cristina are grateful to be part owners of CrossFit Cocoa Beach and are looking forward to helping others find their journey in fitness.

Cristina Vigne
Cristina's family encouraged her growing up to be active in many sports. She settled mainly on dance and softball. Her many years as a softball pitcher taught her dedication, commitment, and determination. While she enjoyed the team sport, she loved pushing herself individually: learning new pitches, fine tuning mechanics, and strategizing in the sport.
Her love of learning and her passion to help others led her to years as a School Psychologist. Studying how others learn, what motivates them, developing prevention and intervention programs, and providing consultation was always fun.
After starting her family, Cristina chose to dedicate her time to her children. She never expected that getting fit through her journey at CrossFit Cocoa Beach would spark such passion and fire in her heart. She once again had the opportunity to enjoy a sport with a group while also working on individual goals.
Becoming a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer and USA Weightlifting Level 1 Coach is one of her proudest accomplishments. She finds joy every time she gets to coach others so works hard on continuing her education. She has obtained certificates from the CrossFit Level 2 Course, The Gymnastics Course, as well as various online CrossFit courses: Scaling, Masters, Judging, Spot The Flaw, Anatomy, and Programming . Connecting with people and helping them move in a positive and healthy direction is her favorite thing.

Matt Parrish
Matt Parrish wants to make himself and you harder to kill. He believes consistency, hard work, and fun are the keys to making this happen. it doesn't matter if it's preparing for the zombie apocalypse, recovering from a surfing injury , or warding off type 2 diabetes; he believes you can hedge the odds by making good decisions today.
By maximizing gym time, focusing on nutrition, and making healthy lifestyle decisions, he plans on kicking ass for a long time and would love you to join him.
Matt has a CrossFit Level 2 certificate and is a certified nutritionist. he has been trained in POSE running, gymnastics coaching, and various other aspects of fitness. He has coached thousands of squats, improved countless pull-ups, and generally made 100's of people better versions of themselves.

Bobby grew up his entire life as a competitive swimmer and active person. From a young age he was taught that there is no substitution for hard work and training inside and outside of the gym and pool. As a competitive swimmer he learned to thrive in a group/team training environment. From there he determined how important that community atmosphere was to his own long term goals and success in fitness
Once he moved to Cocoa Beach he fell in love with the CrossFit Cocoa Beach community. After some time he was given an opportunity to take the CrossFit Level 1 class. After participating in the class, Bobby became eager to pursue his passion for a fitness oriented, feel-good lifestyle.
Bobby Speese

Jordan Pentecost
Jordan has always shown a passion for sports and athletics. She herself enjoyed a multitude of sports throughout her life. As a young athlete she shined in gymnastics, track, and soccer. Jordan went on to play collegiate soccer and found Olympic weightlifting and CrossFit to improve her fitness and prepare her for soccer seasons.
Jordan had a history of coaching gymnastics, soccer, and swimming. Finding a love of coaching, she decided post college, to make coaching her career. In 2015, Jordan began coaching CrossFit classes. She currently holds a CrossFit Level One Certificate and a National Academy of Sports Medicine certificate.
Since then Jordan has taken interest in and spent time enhancing her coaching skills in many areas: Sports Performance, Speed and Agility, Personal Training, Olympic Weightlifting, and Specialized CrossFit Competition Training. Her focus on all things coaching has made her knowledgeable, empathetic, and creative in her approach.
*Ask about our military & law enforcement discount
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Our Address:
118 North Brevard Ave
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
We typically reply within 48hrs. If you do not hear back from us, please assume we did not receive your email and email us again. Thanks!
(Business Hours 8-7)